You are not logged in! Please create a free account or login to create own lists of moves, upload own moves, write private notes to every move, track how well you know the moves, etc.!
Tips on how to use this website:
Clicking on the images makes them bigger
The difficulty of the moves are shown in 2 ways:
Their border-color (green beginner, yellow intermediate, red advanced)
The numbers (1-6) in the left bottom corner of the GIF-s
If you set up a username (takes 5 seconds, email-address is not needed), you will be able to mark moves as "Party 🎉", "Now ⚡", "Next ❯" and "Favorite ♥" - for example on which moves you want to focus while social dancing (Party) or which new moves you want to learn soon (Next)
Most moves have a Source-link linking to the original video (often a tutorial on YT)
If you have any feedback, ideas or issues, please let me know for example via FB-Messenger. Thank you very much!
After a free, 10-second-signup you can even upload your own videos/moves in 2 easy steps! You can even set their visibility (private / unlisted / public).
1584 Bachata-Steps![Number of moves: 0]
All moves categorized based on their difficulty (based on Imre's opinion) [Total moves: ]
ATTENTION: Please read this page carefully, public! This is a one-time-offer you will NEVER see again!
Upgrade now to be a VIP-member and maximize your Bachata-improvement!
While the free version of the site is already amazing, upgrading takes it to a totally new level!
Free Member
VIP Member
MISC. FEATURES:Miscellaneous advantages
Number of custom, renameable moves-lists
Number of moves in a listThe amount of moves a list of yours can contain (lists like 'Party', 'Now', 'Next', 'Favorites', 'MyList01', 'MyList02')
Number of own notes to movesYou can write own notes to as many moves
No ads
Controlling access to a shared-list (planned - on request)When you share a list of moves, you can set the usernames which are able to access that shared-list. Useful for teachers who share their moves with their students, so the students aren't able to share the list with other non-students! Plus, this way you can revoke access from students who stopped going to your classes
Getting new features earlier
Supporting & motivating the developer
OWN-MOVES FEATURES:Advantages regarding uploading own videos/moves
Upload File-SizeThe max. size of the video-file you can upload
300 MB
700 MB
Upload VideoFile-DurationThe max. duration of the video-file you can upload (in minutes)
5 MinutesMin.
20 MinutesMin.
Editing own movesAbility to modify own uploaded moves (title, visibility, etc.)
Deleting own movesAbility to delete own uploaded moves
Multiple Moves from Same UploadAbility to create multiple moves from the same video-file without reuploading it again and again
Final move durationThe max. duration of the final move you create out of a video (in seconds)
20 SecondsSec.
75 SecondsSec.
New Private/Unlisted moves per monthAmount of new private/unlisted moves a user can create every month [public uploads are not limited]
Failed upload-conversions automatic retry (soon)When the conversion after an upload fails because of server-issues, the website retries it automatically every hour and notifies you when it's done, so you can create a move out of it
Become a VIP now:
Maintaining is a LOT of time, money and work - so I want to show my appreciation to donators, who really help to keep the site alive...:
$20: Donate at least $20 and get a VIP-upgrade for a month as a gift
$40: Donate at least $40 and get a VIP-upgrade forever as a gift!
When you invite people (by sharing your personal invitation-link: "") and at least 5 register, you get a free VIP-upgrade for 6 months as a big THANK-YOU for spreading the love! :)
And after being done inviting 5 people, for every additional user you invite after those 5, you also get 1 month free VIP-membership (for every new user).
So for example if you invite 8 people (and they sign up), you get:
6 months Upgrade for the first 5 users, plus
3 months for the other 3 (1 month per 1 user)
Total: You get 9 months of VIP-upgrade for free! :)
There is no limit on how many users you can invite, and neither on how many free months of VIP-upgrade you can earn.
Aaaaand, even better: If any of your invited users becomes a VIP-member himself (either via a donation, or via invitations), you get an additional 2 months VIP-upgrade!
"What advantages does the VIP-status have?"
A lot! While the free version of the site is already amazing, upgrading takes it to a totally new level! Here are some of the features you get as a VIP-member:
"How can I invite people?"
Very simple: Just share your personal invitation-link with them, which is:
Share your link with your friends on WhatsApp/Messenger/Viber, post it on your Facebook-wall and in Facebook-groups, tweet it on Twitter/X, etc.!
Or you can also share it via the social media buttons below:
********** SOCIAL MEDIA BUTTONS **********
IMPORTANT: You can send people to any page of, but make sure the link contains the "inv="! So for example your invitation-link pointing to the Footwork-page would look like this:
"Where can I see how many people I have invited?"
At the moment the amount of registered users thanks to you is: 0
And you can see the number of successfully registered users (and their information/status) also on your Profile-page
"I already invited users before this invitation-feature existed"
If you already invited users before this invitation-feature existed, they still can count. Ask them to go to THEIR OWN Profile-page (while being logged in) and paste YOUR personal invitation-code (your user-id) "" into their "Invited by"-field. Thanks to this, the website will know that they got invited by you and they will be counted as one of your invitees.
IMPORTANT notes regarding trying to cheat
Please avoid cheating by registering yourself multiple times via your own link to get the 5 needed (or even more) registrations! Besides an automated system which checks the invitations, I also check them manually before a user receives his VIP-upgrade for his invitations. Differentiating fake registrations from real ones is extremely easy.
To avoid spamming (inviting fake users), every invited user needs to do 3 simple tasks to be counted as a valid invitee. The exact tasks are not public, but real users will complete them EASILY by using the site as intended, usually within 2 days after sign up. This is a security measure to prevent abuse and will not affect real users.
If ANY form of cheating is detected, the inviter will NOT receive his VIP-upgrade AND will be banned from ever getting a VIP-upgrade for invitations.